Maze Network ERC-20 Smart Contract
Understand more about our ERC-20 Smart Contract
Maze Smart Contract Etherscan Link : Link
Telegram: Maze Network Channel
Website: Maze Network
Twitter: Maze Blockchain
GitHub: Maze Network
Contract Details
Compiler Version: Solidity 0.8.18 SPDX License: Unlicensed
The smart contract includes several key components:
Context: Provides information about the sender of the transaction.
IERC20 Interface: Defines the standard functions for ERC20 tokens, including
, andtransferFrom
.Ownable Contract: Manages contract ownership and provides functions for transferring and renouncing ownership.
SafeMath Library: Provides arithmetic operations with safety checks to prevent overflow and underflow.
IUniswapV2 Interfaces: Integrates with Uniswap V2 for creating liquidity pairs and swapping tokens.
MAZE Token
Name: MAZE
Symbol: MAZE
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 10,000,000 MAZE
Fees and Transactions
The contract includes specific settings for buy and sell fees, which currently is set at :
Redistribution Fee (Buy): 0%
Tax Fee (Buy): 5%
Redistribution Fee (Sell): 0%
Tax Fee (Sell): 5%
Main Key Features
Ownership: The contract includes functionality for transferring and renouncing ownership, ensuring flexible management.
Fee Exclusion: Certain addresses, including the owner and development and marketing addresses, are excluded from fees.
Anti-Bot Measures: The contract includes mechanisms to block and unblock bots.
Swap and Liquidity: Tokens can be swapped for ETH, and liquidity can be added via Uniswap.
Last updated